
St.Mary’s is committed to ensuring a safe and caring environment that promotes personal growth and positive self-esteem for all. We believe in a preventative, positive solution-focused approach to teaching. All classrooms are equipped with preventative resources providing scaffolds and strategies to ensure all students are flourishing at St. Mary’s.

Our school Social and Emotional toolkit teaches specific skills and strategies that assist students to strengthen their relationships, build positive emotions and enhance personal resilience. Our toolkit focuses on developing our students understanding of themselves and who they are, how they can belong, connect and grow.

Children grow, discover and learn best when they develop social and emotional skills early in life. The school’s toolkit builds the four areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and social management. Together these competencies assist children and young people to understand, manage and communicate their emotions; feel and demonstrate empathy for others; establish and sustain positive relationships; identify and work towards their goals; draw on a host of positive self-regulation and coping strategies; solve problems; and think critically about how their choices may be influenced by others and their environment and what the consequences of these choices may be.

We encourage you to use the language of our school toolkit at home. Home is the first school and school is the second home. At St Mary’s we recognise the importance of the home school partnership. Our school toolkit allows us to strengthen this partnership and enables parents and students to draw upon skills and strategies that build a resilient, inclusive community where students can learn and flourish.